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Priorities For Protecting Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights During COVID-19 and Beyond

Although the full extent of COVID-19’s wreckage remains unknown, devastating effects on health, society, and the economy have already affected reproductive autonomy in the United States. Challenges in gaining access to care, resource scarcities, and economic barriers have nearly all aspects of reproductive health choices, exacerbating a situation that is already difficult for many. The ability to exercise reproductive autonomy within the context of intimate relationships, sex, and family formation is central to our lives and our dignity as human beings, and does not cease during a pandemic.

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Using Nature to Prevent Another Pandemic

Governments and policymakers must acknowledge that COVID-19 is a result of nature mismanagement and pledge more conscious efforts to conserve nature to prevent future pandemics. A nation’s relationship with the environment underpins the quality of all citizen’s lives, and COVID-19 is a concrete example of what will continue on a global scale if that synergy is not protected.