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UK’s International Role, Post-Brexit

On June 23, 2016, a majority of the British people voted to leave the European Union. The political earthquake that followed Brexit is now beginning to stabilize, and the British population is beginning to demand answers about how future negotiations with the European Union (EU) will be carried out. The truth, as in all negotiations, is that there is no answer—outcomes will depend not only on the British government but also, clearly, on the position the EU takes.

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Family Farms Fuel Brazil’s School Lunch Program

Brazil’s national school meals program is buttressing the local food movement by mandating a system of structured demand so that a portion of the food come from family farms. Supporting the resilience of rural lifestyles and feeding 40 million students a day, this program is food for thought, and it demonstrates an important paradigm shift in how we envision food assistance programs by focusing on nutritional, rather than caloric, intake.

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The Heroin Epidemic: Policy Strategies for Solving a Two-sided Crisis

Over the past decade, Mexico and the United States have experienced an heroin epidemic that might not be easily solved. An estimated 914,000 people reported using heroin in the past year in the United States, causing the death of over 47,000. How can the rapid increase of demand and supply of the drug be explained? Most importantly, how can it be solved?