Call for Applicants: Staff Writers

Staff Writer Position Description

The Review Online is seeking three or four Staff Writers to publish relevant content on current public affairs, timely news and current event analysis, and policy analysis.

As a Review Online Staff Writer, you will:

  • write 2 articles per month during the fall and spring semesters on the subjects of policy analysis, current events, and general public affairs.
  • consult with The Review Online editor regularly to discuss article topics and article structure.
  • gain experience in writing, policy analysis, and editing.

Excellent candidates for the position:

  • pay great attention to detail and have the ability to meet impending deadlines.
  • are able to communicate about policy and public affairs succinctly and clearly.
  • keep an eye on current events involving local, national, and international policy.
  • have some experience writing opinion editorials, blogs, and policy memos.

To apply, submit a résumé, statement of interest, and writing sample to Renee Bracey Sherman at by midnight on September 5, 2014.

Questions about the position? Email Renee Bracey Sherman at


About the Cornell Policy Review

The Cornell Policy Review is the official public policy journal of the Cornell Institute for Public Affairs (CIPA), a graduate program offering a two-year Master’s degree in Public Administration (MPA). Originally founded in the spring of 1996 as The Current, The Cornell Policy Review is published each semester by CIPA Fellows who serve as both editors and contributors for the Policy Review, drawing upon their own research and professional experience. The editorial board also solicits book reviews, interviews, and scholarly contributions from members of the Cornell community and alumni. Working on The Cornell Policy Review offers Fellows a valuable foundation in research and writing, as well as first-hand experience with the rigors of scholarship at the professional level.


About the Cornell Policy Review Online

The Review Online in a non-partisan, independent online publication, and accepts submissions from students, faculty, alumni, and policy practitioners. Articles published on The Review Online address issues relevant to current policy challenges and of a historical policy nature. Submissions related to international affairs will be featured as part of the International Affairs Forum section of the blog.

Submission can be in the form of an online op-ed, a short research paper, a policy position paper, or other forms subject to editor’s approval. They may rely on the author’s own opinions and analysis, while having a factual basis. Contributions reflecting different views are encouraged, and authors should signal the difference between personal opinion and analysis.

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